12:47|Rochester Terrace|Kelvin Grove|Brisbane.

Hi Diary,

Today we Bangladeshi Association in QUT called QUTBA celebrated International Mother Language Day -2015. It was very pompous indeed. We had a lot of performers from different countries. We had 17 international performances actually are mainly Songs and Dances.
I was hosting the program. 🙂 Yeah..after a long interval I attended in a program as a host, like the old days. It was fun, though I found it is difficult this time. However, I did it because Aveek Requested me. I like that boy, is good guy.
The program was not that smooth I expected. Because, all Bangladeshi guys are to some extent same and tough. Discipline is something outweigh to us.
By the way, here is a video clip a performance, while I was sitting beside the stage used my cell to capture it. 😀

Kiralee, a Aussie girl, was another MC with me. এতটুকু বাংলায় লিখি। 🙂 একদম প্রথমে আমি তাকে কাপতে দেখেছিলাম। সে হাতে স্ক্রিপ্ট ধরে রেখেছিলো আর মাইক্রোফোন, জোরে জোরে তা কাপছিলো। ইয়াহ্‌, অডিয়েন্স হ্যান্ডেলিং ইস নট সো ইজি। পরে ধীরে ধীরে সে অনেকটাই সহজ হয়। একটা সম্পুর্ন অন্য ভাষাভাষী লোকদের মাঝে এসে কাজ করে যাওয়া চাট্টি খানি কথা না। সো, সি ডিড ওয়েল।

However, Good Night today.

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