কাছে যাবো, কবে পাবো …
Dear Diary,
It is weekend and eventually celebration. Guyz leaved for outing very early in the morning and some of them went for a beach camping last night. Camping is awesome, a very beautiful part of auzzie life. But I am at home, working, working and working. Sitting in front of computer, trying to write a report, is very important.
It is also a cloudy day. Rained at the morning, now the sky is gloomy. Forced me to become nostalgic.
However, I am happy because I have got a job at QUT. It is not like tutoring, but co-co-coordinating a course unit. I had a viva and considering my experiences I have got this job. This is very unlikely for any student. But I have made it. I must happy and should thanks to Allah. I thanked him.
কাছে যাব, কবে পাবো …
এই ছেলেটার ভোকাল নাকি আমার মত! কেউ একজন বলেছিলো। হা হা হা, “কেউ একজন” শব্দটার ভিতরে রহস্য আছে। …কিন্তু আদতে কোন রহস্য নেই।
Anyway, Dear Diary, I forgot to mention that the other day Brisbane Bangla Radio invite me to be their RJ. 🙂 They are very much interested after attending the ceremony of 21st february that I have conducted.
হায় হায় রে…ভরে আধারে ভুবন।
সময় নেই বলে দিয়েছি।
(…আমারে দিয়ে অনেক কিছুই হয় না।)
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