৭-১-১৫, রাত বারোটা।

প্রিয় ডায়েরী,
কি হলো? হারলাম। জোর করেই হারলাম। মানব মস্তিস্ক শুধু থকথকে কুৎসিতই দেখতেই নয় কখনো কখনো কাজে আক্করিক অর্থেও বেশ কুৎসিত। নিজের ব্রেইন দেখতে পাচ্ছি। থকথকে নোংরা…! ওয়াক…
Well, I cant but have in mind to stop activities of some parts of my brain. This part is somehow draw the exact reality is leading to unwanted picture of future. I want not to see those future anymore. Life is beautiful without those picture. Yes, I mean it.

There is a girl in my Facebook, a little girl. I myself invite her to be my fb friend. I sometimes look at her wall, read her posts. I wounder to find her caliber and sign of different thinking. She is something god gifted once I thought, because at her such age it is really rear to think and express like this way. But I found it is her surrounding made her different, made her brain to think attractively. Yes, her brain is so organized I think and surely not ugly looking like so many of us.
It is true that life is not that big as the human race is. So, it should be wise to stay with things are enjoyable with harmony. I am not suppose to hold all of the things of humans surrounding me. Am I?

If there have any god, he actually don’t give me any such duty.
Anyway, that girl is interestingly secular in religious point. She has some other points are very different to think about.

Dearest Diary,
Today is a day to be noted. It should be noted because I was coming out from my cocoon. Or you may say I was exposed. Just mark that day to be remembered.

FB তে মন্তব্য করতে এখানে লিখুন (ব্লগে করতে নিচে) :

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February 2025