Hello Diary,

Let me note you down something are lurking in my mind.


I was thinking the other day, very recently, that I didn’t get sick coming after Australia. But while I was in Bangladesh there was a routine favor may be twice or thrice in a year was a very normal phenomena. That contrast made me thoughtful.
However, today I have had a very headache and a bit sickness. Though I was feeling uneasy over last three days but it is exaggerated today. I spend the whole day laying on bed and sleeping as well. At the noon I just felt like senseless.
I donno why that’s happened. I took two medicine to get comfort, but didn’t work very well.

However, I have had a very rough food habit last time. I have taken all the forbidden food like the red meat, spicy things. May be my pressure has been raised. If it is then, I must say something tough time is in my forth.

I did some physical exercise specially swimming at the very early stage of my time at Brisbane, that helped me to get fit. But ..Alas..I quit physical exercise last couple of months and become so much lazy and hence experiencing those problems.

Living alone is very much challenging. I think, I need to be careful, but how…!


In my regular mail at yahoo, recently I used to get a mail from a professor from Teenesstate University, USA. His message interested me very much. This professor is Bangladesh by born, but may be migrated to USA in his very early stage of student life. He is now a full professor of Economics. He actually write a piece of letter to introduce him and then attached some write up with it. This write up is based on his personal anecdote. I read already three of them, are very interesting to read. While I was reading those attachment of his writing, I was thinking why he is gonna share those with me/us. I instantly read out the letter again he write on that mail, found that he used to send this letter around 1100+ university teachers of Bangladesh. That’s really something amazing, made me astonished. From then a obvious usual question is lurking inside me, why? Why he is doing this, sending his personal anecdote very unusually. He could write it in online papers, they would love to publish his good write ups. Or he could write in blogs or even creating his personal sites. Don’t he is well known to those facilities or there have some other reasons?

This is such a obvious curiosity regarding this. However, is that any sort of attempt to create any network, a network just only based on the university teachers all around the Bangladesh guyz? If it is, then why he is going to do this? His write ups are very much portray of his personal life he experiences with sorrow, grief and success. .. I must say, very interesting.

Anyway, time will answer my curiosity. I know, most of his mail will not be read or after a while people will avoid it as we used to do. Because, reading story is a part of habit is not observing to every people even among the very literate people. But I know, I will keep reading. 🙂

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February 2025