I wonder. Dear Diary, I just wonder to know the secretes. The life is getting difficult though I live a very easy life. May be its a balance!… Continue reading
ডেয়ার ডায়রী, আমার ল্যাবে আমরা ১২ জন কাজ করি। ১২ জনের ভিতরে একজন আছে সৌদি আরাবিয়ান। ও ঠিক আমার ডেস্কের অপজিট ডেস্কে বসে। নাম আবদুল্লাহ্। মজার ব্যাপার হচ্ছে, প্রায় সব… Continue reading
Thought Provoking…! All I found that, over the last year I was in-corporeally living in Bangladesh. :/
I need to live in present. No way.
However, it is a Good… Continue reading
It sounds interesting to write such a title, Side effect of the Research Work.
Actually, I was wondering to observe some sort of deviations of my expression while I am… Continue reading
If you want to enjoy, there are stuffs all around. But which one you will pick up will lead you towards your future! Undoubtedly, there are so many soothing things… Continue reading
Arash said, PhD is no longer your life and so does mine. Therefore, it is better to do some sports 🙂 This guy is very friendly, everyday he try to… Continue reading
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