If you want to enjoy, there are stuffs all around. But which one you will pick up will lead you towards your future! Undoubtedly, there are so many soothing things… Continue reading
Arash said, PhD is no longer your life and so does mine. Therefore, it is better to do some sports 🙂 This guy is very friendly, everyday he try to… Continue reading
My throat was dried while I was speaking…! I never know how it was breath taking. But, 🙂 the panel was happy, very hhhhhhhhappy with my performance. They said, it… Continue reading
23rd September, 2015. Rochester tce, Brisbane.
It is literally first part of 23rd September, although night. However, tomorrow is Eid here in Australia. And tomorrow is my Confirmation of Candidature… Continue reading
Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan, The Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.
There are so many things happening around us is calculative; but there are still some in-explainable. I have… Continue reading
আজি অন্ধকার পথে হেটে হেটে, চলেছি কোনো এক দুর্বৃত্তের সাথে।।
অজানা ভয়ে ভেজা শালিকের মত কেঁপে উঠি, ফিরে ফিরে চাই আলোর পথে।
খুজে ফিরি আমি বার বার অদৃশ্যে থাকা কোনো… Continue reading
লেটেস্ট কমেন্টস্